Starlink Intergration Kit- Option A, 1 Metre Cable
The perfect solution for powering your Starlink Dishy whilst on the road.
Designed specifically for use in Caravans, Motorhomes and RVs, the Cowfish
Starlink Integration Kit allows you to operate your Starlink Dish from your
12V battery system, ensuring reliable and consistent connectivity even in the
most remote locations. This removes the requirement to run an inverter to
power the Starlink System and therefor eliminates the losses incurred by the
use of an inverter.
The Integration Kit links the Starlink Dish to the VanConnect system, giving
you all the benefits of the VanConnect over the original Starlink router. A
complete 12 volt system with a further reaching WiFi network, optional 4G/5G
internet fallback and an integrated media centre.
The Starlink Integration Kit is not compatible with Gen 1 or Gen 3 Dishies.
The Starlink Integration Kit consists of the Cowfish 12V Dishy Power
Supply and *one of the two available Dishy connection options. *
You also have the option to include a VanConnect system in your purchase, if
you do not already have one. The following VanConnect systems are available:
- VanConnect 5G
- VanConnect 4G
VanComment Zero
Cowfish 12V Dishy Power Supply
The Cowfish 12V Dishy Power Supply has an input voltage of 12 Volt and gives
you a single ethernet output to connect directly to the ethernet input (WAN)
of you VanConnect system.
The unit requires 10A @ 12V to ensure sufficient current is available during
startup. It is important that a minimum of 14AWG cabling is used, fused at
10Amp, to supply power to the Integration Kit. This is to ensure that
sufficient current is supplied and that there is no voltage drop that may
cause the input voltage to fall below the minimum requirement of 12V.
We recommend disabling the heater option on your Starlink Dishy, using the
Starlink App on your phone to maximise power efficiency.