Estimated warehouse dispatch time: 3-5 business days (excluding public holidays)

Returns & Refunds

Please choose our items carefully before making your selection and proceeding with your on-line purchase order as we do not refund for change of mind.

We are only able to accept a product for a refund, replacement, or credit where:

  1. The product has been assessed and found to have what is deemed a major fault.
  2. The product has been wrongly described.
  3. The product differs from the sample provided.
  4. Or the product does not meet the “fitness of purpose”.
  5. All return requests must be submitted within 30 days of delivery.
  6. Product(s) must be returned in brand new condition inclusive of all packaging and accessories.
  7. Please allow up to 5 business days for refunds to be processed.
  8. Authorised returns must be received within 30 days of approval otherwise your return maybe rejected.
  9. Once an order is shipped, TGT may offer a refund at it's own discretion, however all discretionary refunds may carry up to a 20% restocking fee and all return postage fees must be paid by the customer, unless the product is found to be faulty or was shipped incorrectly.

Returns & Refunds Process

Please see further details about the returns and refunds process for goods ordered via the caravancampingsales Store here, including the steps that you should take if you wish to return an item. View return process instructions.

TGT & XGG Warranty

All warranty claims must first be lodged through on the website. In order to make a claim, you must provide the Support Team with:

  1. Details of the defect or damage in relation to which you are making a claim under the warranty.
  2. Photographic evidence of the defect or damage, where applicable.
  3. Your invoice (including order number) and any other proof of purchase, and payment.
  4. Any other details we may need in order to process your claim.
  5. Where goods are damaged or defective upon delivery, you must provide photographic evidence of the damage before receiving a repair, replacement or refund.
  6. We reserve the right to determine which repair centre is the appropriate service location in each case.
  7. You must comply with all return instructions provided to you via your registered email address when making a claim under this warranty.
  8. We cannot accept returns that have not been authorised through the process outlined in these terms and conditions.

If any returned goods are found to be in good working order, we may seek reimbursement, at our discretion, for any costs incurred by us in relation to such goods. In such cases, you agree that we may hold your goods until such payment is received.

Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), this warranty shall not apply in respect of goods:

  1. Where the goods have not been installed, maintained, operated or used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or any other specifications provided with the goods.
  2. Where damage or defects are caused by deliberate or negligent misuse or abuse, physical alteration, fire, liquid spillage, use of incorrect voltage, power surges or dips, thunderstorm activity, force majeure, voltage supply problems, tampering or unauthorised repairs by any persons, use of defective or incompatible accessories, computer viruses, corrosive conditions or instruction by an insect, pest, or other foreign body.
  3. Where damage results from any third-party software or hardware not provided by us.
  4. Where items are lost or stolen; and
  5. In relation to repairs of batteries, where the batteries have not been used in accordance with specifications or they expire by normal use.
  6. Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), our liability under this warranty shall not exceed the amount of the purchase price of the goods or the replacement of the goods with the same or a similar product.

If you are entitled to make a claim under this warranty, our staff will provide you with instructions as to how the goods may be returned to us at our expense (either you will be reimbursed for standard postage or, for larger items, we will organise a courier to retrieve the items). Unless otherwise provided by law, you will bear any other costs incurred in making a claim under this warranty.

Bushwakka Warranty

Our entire Awning (TrueBlue & Extreme Range), Rooftop Tent & Accessory range is made to the highest manufacturing standards of quality and durability.

Therefore, we offer a 12 Month Manufacturing Warranty valid from the date of dispatch from our Warehouse (as per your Order in our system).

However, due to the unpredictable nature of outdoor elements, we do not cover damage caused by wind.

Our Warranty does not cover any damage or failure resulting from misuse, abuse, accidental damage, improper installation, acts of nature (such as wind, rain, hail, etc.), or any other cause that is not a result of a defect in materials or manufacturing workmanship.